

arch linux: Clipboard 介绍了不同环境的剪贴板工具,可以参考

wl-clipboard: Wayland clipboard utilitieswayland显示服务器协议 环境下的剪贴板工具,特别适合对大型文件进行复制粘贴:

# copy a simple text message
$ wl-copy Hello world!

# copy the list of files in Downloads
$ ls ~/Downloads | wl-copy

# copy an image file
$ wl-copy < ~/Pictures/photo.png

# paste to a file
$ wl-paste > clipboard.txt

# grep each pasted word in file source.c
$ for word in $(wl-paste); do grep $word source.c; done

# copy the previous command
$ wl-copy "!!"

# replace the current selection with the list of types it's offered in
$ wl-paste --list-types | wl-copy
